My host had the day off so she invited me to go out for a bike ride along the Isar river.  She had heard that there was a jazz band playing in one of the biergartens and we both decided we wanted to see them play.  I headed to the train station to rent a bike and then met up with her.

We rode along the river for a while until we came to the path for the biergarten.  I ...

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Woke up early (for me while traveling) to catch a bus to Zugspitze, “Top of Germany”.  The bus ride out was almost 2 hours and we ran into some traffic on the Autobahn (yes it does happen).  On the way we did stop at a church/monastery and since it was Sunday they were having service.  I couldn’t take any photos inside but I got a few out the building.  After that it was back on the bus ...

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Since it was another great weather day I decided to check out the Englisher Garten.  I should have planned on a bicycle because there was a ton of walking.

On my way there I saw horses and a buggy probably on their way to Oktoberfest.  I’ve seen a few of them around town to advertise for the brewery.  I believe these are the same ones that were in the parade at the beginning of Oktoberfest.  Also ...

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Since I wasn’t familiar with the sites of the city I decided to do a bus tour.  The tour was almost 3 hours and went around the entire city.  The only thing we didn’t get to see was the Allianz Arena but that’s because there was an event there.

After the bus tour I wandered over the the Viktualienmarkt.  Unfortunately I got there a bit late and most everything was already closed up.  I’ll have ...

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The weather wasn’t very good today.  It was cloudy and over cast and rained most of the day.  By the time it stopped raining enough for me to venture out it was already the afternoon.  This is probably good as it gave me plenty of time to recover from last night.  Once I got out I wandered around the city and a bit more and went on a search for food.

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Didn’t really have any plans for today nor do I know the city so I took the day to just wander around for a bit.  Since I’m so close to Oktoberfest I found where it was.  I didn’t really do anything there since I’ll be back later.

Lots of walking as I just wanted to try and figure out where things were and what there was to do.

My host was planning on going to Oktoberfest tonight so I asked ...

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Up early this morning.  My train left Berlin at 6:30AM.  I was already (mostly) packed so I just had to shower and head out.  Of course while I was trying to be quiet the dog started barking and I know I woke others up.  I left the hosts a note and was on my way.

Getting to the train station was easy using the S-Bahn.  I found the gate with no problem.  The thing I couldn’t figure out was where my ...

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No real big plans for today.  We did some chores but that’s about it.  I had to catch my plane back to Berlin in the afternoon so we didn’t have a lot of time to do stuff.  We did stop for gas though and I included a photo of gas prices for your enjoyment.

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We had originally planned to go for a small hike to a nearby castle.  We were going to meet up with some friends and have a picnic but it rained all day instead.  So to keep ourselves entertained we decided to go bowling.  We drive over the the bowling alley just to find out that there are no lanes available the entire day.  Apparently Sunday is a big league day.  So instead we played some pool for a while.

On ...

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It was a rainy day so we headed into Cologne to checkout the Chocolate Museum and then a festival that was going on.  We parked in a garage and headed to the museum.  The museum covers the history of chocolate, how it’s made, fair trade, and things that are added to it (like spices).  You get to wander through the exhibit and even into a tropical garden.  The garden is heated so it was like walking ...

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