
Today was just not my day for good luck.  I went to BMW one last time and of course there were no open tours.  Since I was already in the area I walked over to Olympiapark so I could go up in the tower.  The weather was clear and I was hoping to get some good photos.  No luck there either.  The tower closed yesterday and will be closed until mid November.  At this point my plan for the day was a little bit broken.

I decided to head down and see the Frauenkirche.  I wasn’t sure what there was to see but I figured I could at least check it out.  One of the towers is undergoing repairs so the outside looks terrible with all the scaffolding.  I eventually found my way in to the church.  The main hall of the church is amazing.  I’m pretty sure photos were not allowed but I snuck in a few anyways.  The pipe organ was awesome; I wish I could have heard it played.

After wandering around in the church for a bit I still had some time to kill before I wanted to head to dinner.  The church is in the center of the city so I stopped by the Viktualienmarkt for a beer.  After that I was getting hungry and it was off to get some food.

I don’t know why I hadn’t stopped by earlier but I made it a point today to get to the Hofbräuhaus.  Since Oktoberfest was over I was hoping it wouldn’t be too busy.  I went in and easily found a place to sit.  Since it was one of my last meals in Germany I decided to go with schnitzel.  Expensive but good.  That and a beer to two and I was set for the evening.

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